Napolitano, L. (March, 2020). 10 Tips for Coping with Working Remotely and Social Distancing. Webinar presented to Entrepreneurs Organization.
Napolitano, L. (December, 2019). Meditating with the Lights on: How to practice mindfulness without meditation apps. A workshop for Entrepreneurs Organization New York, at CBT/DBT Associates, New York, NY.
Napolitano, L. (November, 2019). Emotion Regulation in Psychotherapy, keynote address to be presented at the 12th International Congress and 17th National of Clinical Psychology, Santander, Spain.
Napolitano, L. (November, 2018). Emotion Regulation in the Substance Use Disorders. Presented at the Center for Living, New York, NY.
Berger, B., Colibazzi, T., Gibbs, R., Napolitano, L., Schwartz, A., Rosenberg, M. (February, 2017). Working Well with Others: Panel on Join Psychoanalytic Work with Other Modalities – CBT, DBT, EMDR. M. Rosenberg (Moderator). The Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine. Panel discussion at The New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Foa, E., Hayes, S., Koerner, K., McKay, D., Mennin, D., Napolitano, L., Luft, I. (October 2016). The New CBTs: Innovations in Treatment or Merely Re-branding? Evidence Based? L. Napolitano and I. Luft (Moderators). Roundtable discussion at The Westin New York, New York, NY.
Napolitano, L. (April, 2015). Is Your Patient Seriously Suicidal? When To Hospitalize Suicidal, Violent, or Impulsive Patients. Roundtable discussion taking place at the Anxiety and Depression Conference, Miami, FL.
Napolitano, L. (April, 2015). Taking Care of Business: A Real World Discussion about Owning and Operating a CBT Clinical Practice. Roundtable discussion taking place at the Anxiety and Depression Conference, Miami, FL.
Napolitano, L. (March 27-31, 2015). Cognitive therapy for suicide attempters. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Napolitano, L. (November, 2014). Taking Care of Business: A Real World Discussion about Owning and Operating a CBT Clinical Practice. Presented at the 2014 annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Napolitano, L. (October, 2014). From Challenge to Opportunity in the New World of Healthcare. Roundtable discussion taking place at The Crain’s New York Business Studio, New York, NY.
Napolitano, L. (August, 2012). Emotion Regulation from the Perspectives of Clinical Practice and Clinical Research: Building an Evidence-Based Bridge. Panel discussion at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Napolitano , L. (October, 2011). Emotion regulation in cognitive therapy. Workshop presented at CBT/DBT Associates.
Napolitano , L. (October, 2011). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Workshop presented at CBT/DBT Associates.
Napolitano , L. (July, 2011). Emotion regulation in cognitive therapy. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Napolitano , L. (July, 2011). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Huang, J., Yang, Y., Wu, J., Zhong, J., Napolitano, L., Xi, Y., & Yonghua, C. (2009). Childhood abuse in Chinese patients with borderline personality disorder. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Improvement and Teaching of DBT, San Francisco.
Napolitano, L., Taitz, J., Leahy, R., & Axelrod, S. (2009). Do changes in negative beliefs about emotions mediate the effects of mindfulness on experiential avoidance? Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York.
Napolitano, L. (August 2008). Do emotional schemas mediate the relationship between mindfulness and experiential avoidance? Presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Rome, Italy.
Napolitano, L., & Taitz, J. (August 2008). A second study to determine whether the emotional schemas mediate the relationship between mindfulness and experiential avoidance. Presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Rome, Italy.
Napolitano, L. (March 2008). Using DBT to help clients with emotions in cognitive therapy. Workshop delivered at American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, New York.
Napolitano, L. (August 2007). Emotions in cognitive therapy. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Napolitano, L. (August 2007). Treating suicidal behavior in cognitive therapy. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Napolitano, L. (August 2007). Schema change techniques. Presented to the Beijing Suicide Prevention Project, Beijing, China.
Napolitano, L. (February 2006). The cognitive therapy of personality disorders. Workshop delivered at American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, New York.
Leahy, R.L., & Napolitano, L. (November 2005). What are the emotional schema predictors of the personality disorders? Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Napolitano, L. (October 2005). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Invited address, St. Vincent’s Hospital, New York.
Napolitano, L. (June 2005). Dichotomous Thinking in Borderline Personality Disorder. Presented at the International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Goteborg, Sweden.
Leahy, R.L., & Napolitano, L. (March 2005). Do meta-cognitive beliefs about worry differ across the personality disorders? Presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, FL.
Napolitano, L. (December 2004). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. Presented to Behavioral Health Staff, Gouverneur Hospital Grand Rounds.
Napolitano, L., & McKay, D. (2004). Dichotomous Thinking in Borderline Personality Disorder. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
McKay, D., Greiner, L., Greisberg, S., Napolitano, L., D’Andrea, J., & Hoffman, P. (2000). A preliminary evaluation of a measure of compulsive self-harm: The Self-Injury Interview. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
Napolitano, L. (2023). Dr. Lisa says: Wisdom from CBT and DBT. New York: Blurb Press.