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Practice gratitude

Mar 30, 2020

Even in the midst of the most challenging circumstances there are things and people in our lives to be grateful for. Through the practice of deliberately bringing our awareness to them, we can cultivate a mindset of gratitude. Gratitude can be a source of strength that helps us to better cope with challenging situations and […]

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Find your edge!

Mar 23, 2020

All of us are stronger than we realize. We find ways to rise above challenges we never imagined facing. Our mental and physical strength are interconnected. When we practice doing things to build and test the limits of our physical endurance we can our increase mental stamina and resilience. In yoga, we call this “finding […]

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Radical Acceptance

Mar 23, 2020

There are times in life when it’s difficult to accept reality.  It’s human nature to refuse to accept pain or close ourselves off to the aspects of reality we don’t like or want. Sometimes we secretly hope that if we refuse to accept things as they are, they will change. From a Buddhist perspective, pain […]

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10 Tips for Coping with Working Remotely and Social Distancing

Mar 18, 2020

1. Build Structure. Lack of daily structure can be a set up for worry, anxiety and negative emotions. Create a schedule for your work days including the start and end of the workday, with set times for meals and planned breaks. Having a regular routine will help you to maintain a positive mindset, increase productivity […]

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Practice Noticing When You’re Wrong: Confirmation Bias

Mar 09, 2020

Our thoughts are not always facts. We’re all prone to errors or systematic biases in our thinking. As a result, our processing of information biased. For example, in depression and anxiety, thinking tends to be overly negative—little attention is paid to the positive and the neutral. One overarching thinking error is confirmation bias: we selectively […]

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Mindfulness in a crisis

Mar 04, 2020

In the midst of a crisis, we’re driven to seek refuge—places of safety, peace and calm. But, for many of us, because of responsibilities in our daily lives, it’s not possible to escape the stressful situation we find ourselves in. The good news is that by practicing mindfulness you can create a refuge that’s always […]

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Want better relationships? Show interest

Feb 24, 2020

So often in social situations we feel compelled to be interesting. We believe this is the way to draw others to us. And then, to see how effective our efforts are, we monitor others for signs of interest in US. But, the skill that’s actually needed to build and enhance relationships, whether romantic, professional or […]

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Don’t worry! Problem solve!

Feb 03, 2020

Does your mind often leave the present moment and travel into the future anticipating negative events? Do you often feel anxious and restless, but have difficulty pinpointing why? If you answered yes, you may be a worrier. From a CBT perspective, worry is a mental habit or bias in thinking. It’s the tendency of your […]

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What were your top 3 decisions of 2019?

Jan 06, 2020

With the end of the decade and the start of the new year, we tend to look back and assess the progress we’ve made towards our goals and set new ones. While this year-end review process has the potential to be positive and inspiring, it can also be negative and self-defeating.  As a result of […]

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No praise, no problem: develop your own performance standards

Nov 05, 2019

Everyone loves positive feedback. It feels good and often confirms your own assessment of your performance. You think you’ve done good job and now you know. When we were in school, we could use grades or the teachers’ comments as benchmarks for our performance. But there are times, in our work or personal life, where […]

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